Torque 3D 2009 SDK 1.0.1
Welcome to Torque 3D, the most easy-to-use game creation platform available. Architected from the ground up for maximum flexibility and performance across a wide range of hardware and built upon the Frontline award-winning Torque Game Engine Advanced, Torque 3D comes equipped with a full suite of tools and APIs to get your game to the finish line, no matter what your goals. Add publishing paths to PC, Mac, Xbox 360, Wii, iPhone, and the web, and you have the power to distribute games almost everywhere they are played.
Check out a brief summary of what Torque 3D has to offer:
World Editor - Torque 3D's World Editor provides an entire suite of WYSIWG tools for designing and editing a game or simulated environment. The World Editor is fully integrated with the Torque runtime and provides full access to all Torque subsystems, allowing for terrain editing, shader definition and application, river and road creation, and more.
Advanced Rendering - Torque's flexible, powerful rendering is as well suited to photo-realistic simulation as to achieving a custom, original-looking style. All modern features are supported by the Torque 3D renderer, including per-pixel dynamic lighting, normal and parallax occlusion mapping, and much more. Lighting can support hundreds of lights and global real-time dynamic shadowing on every object in your scene.
Web Publishing - Deploy any Torque 3D project from the World Editor to a web browser in seconds with our web publishing option. Torque 3D supports all major browsers and operating systems, including IE7, FF3, OS X and Chrome.
Source Code Access - With your license to Torque 3D, you can rest easy knowing that your chosen engine is fully customizeable to suit any need. Integrate 3rd party middleware such as physics and sound systems. Source code access means you are only as limited as your development team.
Fluid Art Pipeline - Torque 3D supports the loading of COLLADA files, which are currently supported by every major art tool, including 3ds Max, Maya, XSI, Blender, and more. Torque's Live Asset Update feature automatically updates any assets in a project while they are edited and saved in a 3rd party application, even while you play the game. This creates a lightning-fast, no hassle work flow for artists.
Community - Join our network of 150,000+ developers to see what you can do with Torque. You can find jobs, look for talent, and share code all within our robust developer community.
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