This book is rather short, a mere 96 pages, but covers a very important and often underutilized aspect of the striking arts--throws. After all, as my judo instructor used to say, the concrete can (and often does) hit harder than the fist. In addition to covering the most common types of throwing techniques, Abernethy discusses fundamental principles that apply to all successful throws, provides some good practice drills to help solidify your knowledge, and even explains what to do should a throw go wrong and you end up on the ground. This isn't just dojo stuff, but rather fundamental information you can use on the street for self defense. Contents include: The use of throws in the striking arts, theory and practice, sweeps, hip throws, cross-buttocks throw, shoulder throw, neck throw, double-leg-lift throw, outer-reaping throw, inner-reaping throw, winding throw, tackle, shoulder-wheel throw, what if it all goes wrong, and some examples of throws found in kata (forms).
Clear writing and great pictures make this a valuable and useful tome for practitioners of karate, boxing, tae kwon do, and other striking arts.
Lawrence Kane
Author of Surviving Armed Assaults, The Way of Kata, and Martial Arts Instruction
# 96 pages
# Publisher: Summersdale Publishers (September 15, 2003)
# ISBN-10: 0953893227
# ISBN-13: 978-0953893225
Code: Select all
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